Bodywork In Progress
Creating New Muscle Memory


I specialize in individualized treatments which focus on muscle reprogramming and connective tissue (fascia) release.  If you have tried other therapies and are not getting the results you desire, you may be a candidate for creating new muscle memory utilizing these treatments.


You can have muscles or tissues that are stuck or programmed to stay in a contracted state.  Healthy tissue is relaxed when you are not using / actively firing it.  Muscle reprogramming takes the tissue that is stuck and gives it the ability to speak neurologically with the brain so that it can reprogram itself to stop contracting. For a more detailed explanation, you can visit


Many therapies focus on muscle release and bone alignment, but they do not specifically target the fascia.  Fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a spider's web (  It is a collagenous network of fiber that is everywhere in the body.  Fascia can adhere to itself and become matted together and to adjacent tissues.  These adhesions can create neurological, vascular and range of motion dysfunction.  I use muscle reprogramming, cupping, gua sha (scraping) and manual fascial release to separate and realign the fascia back into the web-like structure that it is meant to be. I am also currently working towards a level 1 certification in Advanced Trainings which I will have completed by October 2024.


I also use these techniques to target jaw disfunction including TMD. Issues in the jaw can create headaches, sinus pressure, and neck and shoulder tension. I am certified and endorsed by the State of Washington to perform Intraoral Massage.

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